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Cutting edge research to transform agriculture with regenerative principles

Our Mission

Society’s advance is contingent upon transformational changes in our food production system. Currently, the farmers and ranchers are leading the innovation of food production systems, ahead of the researchers.Science is necessary to make regenerative food systems a reality, but we need to rethink how we apply science in order to get there. Producers require independent, practical scientific support to ensure that concepts, practices, and systems are scalable and transferable to other operations and regions.

What's Happening

2024 highlights at a glance
-547 farms with full system assessments 

Totals from the first three field seasons of the 1000 Farms Initiative: 1,284 full system assessments on farms across North America!

Where are We Next?

California Almond Orchards - February, tbd 

Our current project: 1000 Farms Initiative


Join our Team!


We are hiring! Our team is growing, and  we are looking for changemakers that want to take action to save our place on this planet!


We wouldn't be here without your help! Ecdysis is a grass-roots research foundation, started and continuing its mission by the contributions of many. Every dollar counts to us.
Consider donating towards our mission of research, education, and demonstration to support regenerative agriculture and a repair our world for future generations! 

Collaborators and Funders in the Ecdysis Mission

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